Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Visit with the Henley family! Fun...Fun...Fun....

The Henley family came to visit us this August. We had so much fun. We went on a hike. The kids enjoyed it so much.
This is their youngest boy (the third child), his name is Joshua.
He is a mess! This boy constantly talks....repeating exerpts out of movies...Keeps you in stitches laughing the whole time...
This is their first born, his name is Jordan. He is the sweet, quite reader in the family. I hardly saw this child without a book in his hand.
He's a joy to have around.

This is little Miss Sophia....and you can't tell that in a few minutes of being around just want to eat her up. Well, this started a love for babies in Lily....she is still talking about wanting a "Lil' Sophia" to join our family. I just keep telling her to pray to God. (he's going to have to change Daddy's heart.) :-)
Needless to say, its been 2 months and we are still praying!!!

Here is Lily....we are getting ready for our hike.

Here's ole' cutie boy! Mr. Lucas is ready to go!

The gang ready to go...let's make sure we read ALL the signs....

This is an adorable picture to me:
This is the beginning of the trail. They could hear the waterfalls, see way down below, and hear people. Too bad that Sophia was too small to get in there too. Isn't that so sweet?
Poor Lily though, the only little girl.....

Daddy and his little girl walk just alike. No lie, they both walk on their tippy-toes! I love this picture.

Daddy helping Lucas go pee-pee....I missed the stream on the other side....Lucas doesn't care where he's at....he LOVES to go pee outside!
Daddy is the one that potty trained Lucas....and it was outside. When Danny was home, he was working outside with his tools...and of course, Lucas always wanted to be with him he would get excited to pee outside...well, it started a new love....and it still continues! Sorry if you come in our path.....

Lily checking out one of the landings.

BEAUTIFUL....BREATHTAKING....ONLY GOD COULD DO THIS! little lover.....and he looks like a Mountain Man....Wow!!

Daddy doing his explaining. He is so good about explaining things to the kids. I hope that they remember this trait about their daddy. He's such a good one.
WE love you, Daddy!

The Men!!
A few moments later, they were both stung by attacking Bees.....the kids still talk about it.

Danny down in the water. It was freezing....I don't know how he was doing it! BUt he said it felt good....the power of the water hitting his back.

Lucas and Lily had watched as all the boys were down in the water. It was just VERY scary to get down there. The girls couldn't do it. There was another group of people there that brought all of the bungy cords. They came prepared! So since they had them all tied up, the boys took advantage of it. They were very nice to allow us to use it. Here is where DAnny was helping Lucas get down to the water. I was so scared!!! It took several men to get the kids down there. Tracy and I were up praying!

This is Jackson, their 2nd born, he was so cold from being in the water, that he layed out on the big rock that had been heated up by the sun....pretty smart!!

Lucas doesn't look very happy. It's because he just felt the water and realized that it is freezing~~

Doesn't he look like "King of the mountain"....I thought this was a good pic.
He was so funny looking down there.

This is Jackson...he was scaring me so bad! He was standing on a huge rock...but if he was to step backwards...he could fall way down....I paniced....yelled at Tracy...and she yelled at Jackson....but in the meantime, I took a good picture.

Little Miss Sophia...always happy as can be.....

Mr. Lucas collecting rocks so we can paint them....

Chad and Sophia....

Lily watching from up above....they had thrown some rocks up....she was checking them out...and putting them in her pockets.

Chad, Tracy and Sophia walking back....ahhhhh.....

Tracy and Joshua.....

Daddy and Lily waiting in front of us....waiting patiently for us to come....

By the time we were almost back to the car, notice that Lucas is now dragging his stick.....not using it as a walking stick anymore.....too cute....

Danny and Holly for a quick pic afterwards....

Lucas and Lily getting silly..... gorgeous background!!

Lucas Preston Mejia.....3 years old....


Then we went to the river afterwards so that The Henley family could collect some rocks.

Lucas having fun throwing rocks in the water...

Daddy, Lucas and Lily walking in the Hiawassee River....this wasn't our watermelon, but it was was all nice and cold....ymmmm.....

Lily showing me one of the rocks that she found...
It was a keeper....

Jackson.....he's the very quiet one....what a good picture....

Okay....this is a good and bad picture....Awesome shot of Tracy taking pics of Sophia....but did you see what Sophia has in her hand? Yuck!!! She was teathing on a rock from the river.

Mommy and daughter....I'm so happy that they finally had a little girl....Thank you God for having favor.

Here's Jordan reading again.....but I thought this was an awesome picture....

Here's Jackson meditating....not really....but it was cute....

Lily and Sophia.....girls....girls.....girls.....

More pics from the waterfall...Here is Chad and Jordan....

Joshua down at the waterfall....

King of the mountain again....He's so handsome!!!

This was a fun day....the weather was gorgeous.


The Birketts said...

I just love it up here in the mountains! and yes... God did make it so beautiful! We miss you... you have a beautiful family Holly. Glad you have made such a happy life up here.

Chris@Joyful Mother said...

Wow what awesome pictures you took. And those waterfalls are gorgeous. Tracy said she had an awesome time. It looks like you had a blast. Your kids are absolutely adorable!!

Glad to hear and see that you are doing awesome.

Trying to stay updated

Okay, I am going to try and keep this updated this time. I would love to keep the family that lives far away updated with what is going on in our lives. We stay so busy and the kids are growing up so fast, so I hope that this will help stay updated with us. Please let me know if you continue to monitor this so that I know my efforts are worth it. It takes a lot of time but I know it is worth it.
We miss you guys so much!
We Love you all.

Our Family

Well, a day in the life of the Mejia's, is never a dull moment. Danny works very hard for our family as an RN in a children's hospital in critical care. In his spare time he has taken up a love for woodworking. He has made us a wonderful bench for our dining room table and some stools for the kids. Holly tries very hard to balance between family life, working from home as an embroider/sewer, being a teacher now to Lily, and a friend to some amazing people we have met here in the mountains. Lily is now 5 years old and has wanted to be homeschooled for a long time. We finally made that decision to do that and she is doing amazing. Lucas is now 3 years old and is full of energy! He never stops going. He is very smart and also has a big temper. But the next minute he is saying, "Mom, I love are my favorite Princess." Of course, I melt. Ty is now 16 years out and stay off the road if you are anywhere near Gainesville! He doesn't take much time to stay in touch with us these days. That makes the whole family really sad but all we can do is pray EVERYDAY for him. We love and miss him terribly.
As for now, that completes the Mejia family. Occasionally, I want to add a furry friend (dog), but for now...we just don't have the time or energy.

May God bless your life as he has so richfully blessed our family.

We have survived the Summer (2008)

Well, we did it. We survived this summer. It was a very busy one for us. Gustavo and the boys came to visit. We had Vacation Bible school for a week. It was my first year teaching--2 & 3 year olds. Boy, that was challenging. We went to Enota campground and visited with Uncle Rob and Aunt Lyn with Elena. That was a super experience. Then the 4th of July celebrations in town and at church. Then the company just kept rolling in. The kids enjoyed having all the company. Riley and Peyton came for 9 days. It was packed full of fun. We went to the Georgia mountain fair--which we enjoy every year. Grandma took the girls horseback riding. Then Rhonda brought Nana Inez and Taren and Dolph came and we had such a good time. After they left, Mila, Xavier, Jorge, Mila's parents and Ty came for a week. Those teenagers keep you busy! Lily and Lucas really enjoyed seeing Ty. They miss him so much. Now, school has started back. Lily started Kindergarten. So far, she likes it pretty good. Lucas will start a pre-school for 2 mornings a week.
Thanks for visiting our blog. Check back often, because I try to keep it updated...however, I still have a lot to do since I've been so busy this summer.
We don't know if we have tomorrow, so tell the people you love...that you love them....
Have a great day...and be Blessed!
In His name,
The Mejia's

This Summer (2008)

Hey everyone,

This summer seems to be flying by. We have stayed so busy! We have had company, survived Vacation Bible School, and now this week getting ready for Lily's Birthday party for this weekend. After her party we have Nana Elizabeth and Sam coming for a few days. After that we have Riley and Peyton coming while the fair is here. We have a lot planned and are real excited about the next couple of weeks. We miss everyone back in Florida but are so excited to be here in the Georgia Mountains!
Until next time, Find refuge in Him!
The Mejia's

Summer 2008 Slideshow